The Methods for Improving Middle School Students’Oral English论文

Some methods to improve middle school students’ oral English
The advantages of improving oral English are far more than the above. For English teachers and students, it is essential to work out the methods to improve oral English.
1.Oral English is a difficult part of English teaching and learning
Difficultly to master or develop, oral English has its own characteristic.
2.The characteristic of oral English
According to Bygate (1987:69), there are four common features of spoken English:
using less complex syntax;
taking short cuts, e.g. incomplete sentences;
using fixed conventional phrases/chunks;
using devices such as fillers, hesitation device to give time to think before speaking.
3.The problems occur whenmiddle school studentsspeak English
It is reasonable that students worry about their dissiliency, unidiomaticity and other aspects of language use. Recent talks with a group of students learning English prove that the following are among their difficulties:
lack of interest in learning English makes it impossible for students to speak with the instructor and peers actively in the English as a Second Language classroom;
anxieties relating to English speaking negatively performance in English speaking. In reviewing research examining the effects of anxiety on language learning, Macintyre and Gardner conclude that worrying too much about learning and performance is both unnecessary and harmful. It may prevent learners from practising English-speaking skills;
inappropriate and unfair assesents made by teachers make students hesitate to speak.
4.The concrete methods to improve middle school students’ oral English
After the introduces above, it comes the concrete methods to improve middle school students’ oral English in the following context.
4.1The methods for Grade 7-8 students
If possible, students in Grade 7-8 may read some English tongue twisters loudly and quickly with one or two cakes of candy in their mouth (just as the Chinese cross-talk actors do.) to train their oral city muscle and tongues suitable for English pronunciation.
The students can retell some articles or English stories in their own words to improve oral English.
To improve oral English, middle scholars can recite some famous sentences, interesting stories or useful compositions.
Students in Grade 7-8 can make duty report every class to practise English. Every class the teacher can invite 2-4 students to make the report according to the seats.
The advantages of improving oral English are far more than the above. For English teachers and students, it is essential to work out the methods to improve oral English.
1.Oral English is a difficult part of English teaching and learning
Difficultly to master or develop, oral English has its own characteristic.
2.The characteristic of oral English
According to Bygate (1987:69), there are four common features of spoken English:
using less complex syntax;
taking short cuts, e.g. incomplete sentences;
using fixed conventional phrases/chunks;
using devices such as fillers, hesitation device to give time to think before speaking.
3.The problems occur whenmiddle school studentsspeak English
It is reasonable that students worry about their dissiliency, unidiomaticity and other aspects of language use. Recent talks with a group of students learning English prove that the following are among their difficulties:
lack of interest in learning English makes it impossible for students to speak with the instructor and peers actively in the English as a Second Language classroom;
anxieties relating to English speaking negatively performance in English speaking. In reviewing research examining the effects of anxiety on language learning, Macintyre and Gardner conclude that worrying too much about learning and performance is both unnecessary and harmful. It may prevent learners from practising English-speaking skills;
inappropriate and unfair assesents made by teachers make students hesitate to speak.
4.The concrete methods to improve middle school students’ oral English
After the introduces above, it comes the concrete methods to improve middle school students’ oral English in the following context.
4.1The methods for Grade 7-8 students
If possible, students in Grade 7-8 may read some English tongue twisters loudly and quickly with one or two cakes of candy in their mouth (just as the Chinese cross-talk actors do.) to train their oral city muscle and tongues suitable for English pronunciation.
The students can retell some articles or English stories in their own words to improve oral English.
To improve oral English, middle scholars can recite some famous sentences, interesting stories or useful compositions.
Students in Grade 7-8 can make duty report every class to practise English. Every class the teacher can invite 2-4 students to make the report according to the seats.