The Application of C L L on Oral English Teaching论文

作者:网友分享原创网站原创 点赞:29313 浏览:133180 最后更新时间:2024-04-08
【Abstract】In 1970s,America witnessed the rising of Cooperative Language Teaching,a new teaching theory featureing interpersonal interaction.Foreign language teaching mainly aims at the mastery of a totally new one,fundamentally indicating the use of it for communication.Starting with the associated theories and traits,emerging with the current situation of oral English teaching,this article goes into the application of CLL on oral English,revealing its superiority.and explain the specific procedures based on the theories supported.
  【Key words】CLL,Oral English,Group,Communication

1 Introduction

  Historically,educators sought to develop procedures for all teaching methods,drawing on the fields of linguistics.Along with human development,increased opportunities for communication call for a demand for oral proficiency,which leaded the rise of Communicative Language Teaching,C L L,T B L T,and so on.Different methods satiy different learning purposes.In oral English teaching,CLL should be an effective way.Which descended from the proposals for peer-tutoring and peer-monitoring.
  2 Current Situation of Oral English Teaching
  English teaching has always been paid much attention to.However,,some problems can't be oided:What the most direct-viewing is the lack for the specific language environment.Secondly,Not enough opportunities are provided for practice.Lastly,their own psychological mood matters much,which means the learning interest,mood,such as being stresul,shy,etc.Excellent English speakers will be cring for chances to practice so as to make progress,while those poor ones only do escape and oid oral English.

3 Background of CLL

  U.S.Educator John Dewey proposed building cooperation in learning into regular classrooms on a systematic basis(Rodgers 1988).The interactive nature of language learning brought about CLL,a student-centered approach providing opportunities to naturalistically master foreign language through group interaction and enhance learner motivation by reducing stress and offering positive learning atmosphere,emphasizing group activities

4 Basic theories

  In C L L,increased frequency and variety of second language practice through different types of interaction and opportunities for students to act as resources for each other,thus assuming a more active role in their learning.Vygotsky(1896-1934)defines teaching can lead and promote students' development.Two developmental levels:present developmental level showing the ability to solve problems by themselves;potential development level indicating the possible ability that can be achieved with the assistance of teachers and companions.The difference between the two level is“Closest Development Area”