
作者:网友分享原创网站原创 点赞:3667 浏览:15963 最后更新时间:2024-02-22
;;浅谈提高英语听力教学的方法 On the Methods of Improving English Listening Teaching1 听是人们使用语言进行交际的重要途径,听是使得英语发音准确的关键,也 是学习英语的重要途径之一, 提高听力不仅有助于其他三项技能的发展,而且有 利于为今后日常交流活动打下良好的基础,因此,在教学中以听力领先是符合语 言学习规律的。本文从分析听力的基本构成要素以及影响听力发展的因素入手, 积极探求相应的教学策略,力图突破学生英语听力发展的瓶颈。 关键词听力;理解;教师的作用;教学策略i AbstractListening is an important way for people to communicate with language, which is also the key factor of pronouncing accurately. Meanwhile, listening is also an important way of learning English. Improving the ability of listening is helpful in developing the other three skills of reading, speaking and writing as well as lays the foundation of daily communication. Therefore, listening coming first in teaching follows the regularity of language learning. The paper firstly analyzes the basic elements of listening and the factors that influence listening, and then explores useful teaching strategies to solve the difficulty existing in students’ English learning. Key words: listening; comprehension; the role of teachers; teaching strategyii 目录 ??????????????????????????????ⅰ Abstract ????????????????????????????ⅱ 引 言 ??????????????????????????????1 一、听力的基本构成要素??????????????????????1 (一)辨音 ??????????????????????????1 (二)语法和逻辑知识 ?????????????????????1 (三)意象思维 ????????????????????????2 (四)听力习惯 ????????????????????????2 二、影响和制约听力发展的因素???????????????????3 (一)语言基础知识欠缺 ????????????????????3 1.语音知识不足??????????????????????3 2.语速障碍????????????????????????3 3.词汇知识的不足?????????????????????4 (二)文化背景知识欠缺 ????????????????????4 1.不了解英美国家的传统文化????????????????5 2.思维方式的表达不同???????????????????5 3.价值观的取向不同????????????????????5 三、教师的作用?