
作者:网友分享原创网站原创 点赞:5938 浏览:20442 最后更新时间:2024-02-04
  对于那些蕴藏德育思想的文章,教师可以正面讲解的形式,尽量使用通俗易懂的英语,启发学生深思,使之能够在短时间内获得大量的、系统的思想道德方面的知识,提高他们的道德素质。如Unit 4 “Global warming”,引导学生讨论身边的环境理由,并学习文中提到的全球变暖理由。
  T: The earth is becoming warmer. What can we do about global warming? Some people feel that individual can he little effect on such huge environmental problem.
  S1: As a famous saying goes: “Together, individual can make a difference.” I think we he the power to improve our environment.
  T: Do you he some good idea?
  S1: Greenhouse gases are to blame for global warming. We should reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. It means we should lead a low-carbon life.
  T: It sounds good! Then who can tell me what is low-carbon life?
  S2: To be low-carbon people. Taking public transport or walking to their office, using reusable bags.
  S3: Don’t use air conditioner or the heating system unless necessary. Don’t lee our television and computer on if we are not using them.
  S4: Turn off lights when we lee the room.
  S5: Do not buy too many clothes. Do not waste anything.
  S1: By doing these, people can se money and energy as well as improve the environment.
  T: Good idea. Good summary. How about others? What’s your opinion?...
  英语中有思想内容丰富的名言警句, 这些名言警句对学生的成长具有的作用。如:No pain, no gain. Where there is a will, there is a way. Well begun is half done.我每周介绍3句名言,要求学生明白其中, 谨记于心,并落实于行,逐步养成正确的思想观和良好的生活态度。
  现行英语教材编排的一些练习的阅读材料中, 有不少名人的事例。如Book 1 Unit 5 “Nelson Mandela-a modern hero”,William Tyndale用英语编写了圣经,方便说英语的人阅读;Norman Bethune“二战”期间在中国当战地医生,挽救了许多中国士兵的性命;Sun Yat-sen经过多年的奋斗,推翻了帝制,成立了共和国;Nelson Mandela为黑人的解放事业不懈努力等等。我提问:他们为人类做出了伟大的贡献,成功靠的是什么?学生解答这一理由, 既能更好的理解阅读材料,又增加了爱国成才、进取奉献的精神。
  结合纪念日或节日开展活动。如Women’s Day, May Day, National Day, Teachers’ Day, Mother’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day等等,引导学生创设节日氛围, 开展英语活动, 不仅有助于巩固所学英语知识, 提高英语运用能力,也有利于培养学生的情操、爱国主义精神、凝心聚力的中国精神。
  开展多种形式的英语竞赛。根据学生的学习水平, 开展丰富多彩的英语竞赛。我要求学生依据所学知识,听、说、读、写等活动,增强英语实践能力,使学生的综合能力在实践活动中逐步提高。学生乐于学习、善于总结、不畏艰难、善于进取的优秀品质也就会在其中逐步养成。
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