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  1.(2012年上海卷)Graduation is a good time to thank those who he helped you ______ the tough years.
  A.through B.up
  C.with D. from
  2.(2012年四川卷)100℃ is the temperature which water will boil.
  A. for B. at
  C. on D. of
  答案与剖析:两小题答案为AB。第1小题依据语境:毕业时刻是感谢曾经帮助你度过艰难岁月的好时间。help sb. through sth.帮助某人度过某段时期(尤指艰难的时期);help sb. up把某人扶起 来;help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事;from来自,自……以来,由语境和这几个介词的可知选A。第2小题考查定语从句中“介词+which”相似度检测词的选择,temperature是先行词,根据介词短语at the temperature可知用at which,which代替temperature。句意:100度是水沸腾的温度。


  1.(2012年安徽卷)Alot of language learning, has been discovered, is happening in the first year of life, so parents should talk much to their children during that period.
  A. as B. it
  C. which D. this
  2.(2012年江西卷)It suddenly occurred to him ___ he had left his keys in the office.
  A. whether B. where
  C. which D. that
  3.(2012年福建卷)It is hard for Greek government to get over the present difficulties ______ it gets more financial support from the European Union.
  A. if B. unless
  C. because D. since
  答案与剖析:1-3小题答案分别为ADB。第1小题考查非限制性定语从句的引导词的选择,关系代词指代整个一句话Alot of language learning is happening in the first year of life;若从句置于句首,或表示“正如……”时用as引导从句,which用在句末,故正确答案应该是A,如果选择B或D 就出现了两个句子了。第2小题考查主语从句交叉考查典型句式“it occurs to sb that…(使某人突然想到……)”,是学习occur单词的一个方面,it 是形式主语,that这里是做主语从句的连接词,故选D为正确答案。第3小题考查状语从句连词的;根据句意可知“除非有来自欧洲联盟的更多的经济支持,否则希腊政府很难克服目前的困难”,只能选择unless“除非”才能使句意完整。考查状语从句连词的题事实上非常简单,只要找到句中的关键词,然后从句意上去排除就行了,本题关键词是hard和more financial support。
  特殊句式包括强调句、倒装句、感叹句、省略句、反意疑问句、主谓一致和There be句型等。从一二年的高考试题看,单独考查特殊句式的题目很少,试题的测试经常呈交叉性,许多知识点嫁接在一起考查,这种交叉性的考查加大了综合考查语法的力度。
  1.(2012年辽宁卷) Not until he retired from teaching three years ago hing a holiday abroad.
  A. he had considered B. had he considered
  C. he considered D. did he consider
  2. (2012年陕西卷) The basketball coach, as well as his team, ______ interviewed shortly after the match for their outstanding performance.
  A.were B. was
  C. is D. are
  3. (2012湖南卷) It was not until I came here ___ I realized this place was famous for not only its beauty but also its weather.