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;;On the Translation of English Movies’ TitlesAuthor: Supervisor:Zhang Juan Wang YueliA Thesis Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of B.A in EnglishCollege of Information Engineering Fuyang Teachers College, Anhui ProvinceMarch, 2009 学位论文关于奥斯卡最佳影片奖片名的翻译章娟 (200822010627)指导教师姓名 单 专业名称 位王月丽职称阜阳师范学院信息工程学院 师范英语 申请学位级别 学士学位授予单位阜 阳 师 范 学 院2009 年 3 月 On the Translation of Oscar Best Films’ Titles【Abstract】Foreign films, which embody various kinds of foreign cultural elements, make possible cultural exchange via the visual language. Film title invariably brings out the theme of the film and usually conjures up a specific image pertaining to the film and lees a first impression on the audience. This thesis attempts to present a tentative panorama of the translation of titles of Oscar Best Picture winners by analyzing the possibilities and limitations of film title translation, as well as the translation methods adopted, such as semantic translation communicative translation and transliteration, the underlying translation principles and the effects achieved. The translation of titles of Oscar Best Picture winners, which is most typical of title translation of English films, may be supposed to shed a flood of light on the issue of film title translation. However, this thesis aims to be provocative rather than prescriptive and by no means to set rigid and solid standards exclusive with film title translation. Hence, film title translation is observed and examined from such perspectives as translation adequacy, intertextual translation and translator’s visibility. It is claimed that, from some perspective, film title translation quality may be in direct and perfect proportion to the visibility of the translator.【 Key Words 】 Film Titles; TranslationAdequacy; Intertextual Translation; Translation Quality; Translator’s Visibility I. IntroductionForeign films are, in a way, a form of cultural exchange via the visual language. However, the film dialogues in the source language seem to cause an insurmountable hindrance to the target audience’s understanding of the film. This makes either dubbing or subtitling necessary to ensure full understanding on the part of the target audience. However, the translation of film titles is a peculiar part of film translation. Film title shows the important touch that brings the specific work of film art to life and lees a first impression on the audience. As the saying goes, first impressions are half the battle. To win immediate acceptability, intelligibility and even popularity of the film, it is essential to make sure that the translation of a foreign film title creates an image of evocative power in the minds of the target audience just as the film title does when it crosses the minds of the audience speaking the source language. Granted the Academy Awar