A Critical Review on Language Learning Strategies and Implications for College E

作者:网友分享原创网站原创 点赞:6735 浏览:17435 最后更新时间:2024-01-27
Abstract: This paper reviews the current developments of language learning strategy researches in the world, both approval and critical voices on the issue of strategy instruction. Then it summarizes the current developments of learning strategy instruction in China. It indicates college English teachers should model learning strategy and make the instruction explicit. Students are advised to be active in seeking for strategies suitable for themselves through their own exploration and reflection.
  Key words: critical review; language learning strategies; English teaching
  [文章编号]1006-2831(2013)08-0062-6 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-283



1. Introduction

  The study of language learning strategies has a long tradition within second language acquisition research. The purpose of strategy use is to “improve performance in language learning and use of one’s second or foreign language” (Anderson, 2005: 757). The relationship between strategy use and language proficiency has been proved by numerous studies. To take strategy learning into classroom to improve students’ language learning is the working aim of many researchers and teachers. Especially in China, if college students can master English learning strategies, English learning will become much easier and interesting for each student. However, there still exist difficulties to integrate learning strategies into classroom instruction. Further researches are developing.
  This thesis first reviews the current developments of learning strategy researches in the world. Then it summarizes the related situations in China. In the following part, it indicates what Chinese researchers and English teachers should try to do with strategy instruction in order to make contribution to English education. Finally, the author gives some discussion of how this review shapes the thinking about English language teaching in China.
   2. A review of the literature
  2.1 Definition and importance of learning strategies
  It is not easy to tie down the definition of learning strategies partly because the concept of “strategy” itself is somewhat fuzzy and partly because terms like skills, strategies, processes, and approaches are used differently by different people. A dictionary definition of strategy is “a clever plan or method; the art of employing plans towards achieving a goal”. From this definition, it is easy to apply this sense to a learning context: a learning strategy is the means to achieve the goal of linguistic competence, the plan or method (Zhang, 2005: 37). There are many other definitions put forward by different researchers from different perspectives. Stern (1983) considers that language learning strategy is best reserved for general tendencies or overall features of the approach employed by the language learners(as cited in Wang, 2007: 42). Rubin (1987) gives his own understanding that learning strategies are strategies that contribute to the development of the language system that the learner constructs and affect learning directly(ibid.). Oxford (1990) believes that language learning strategies are those activities used to make language learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, more effective and more tranerable to new situations. The scholars in China also he their own different opinions. Wen Qiufang (1996) defines them as the cognition in learners’ mind and concrete activity of the learners. The above definitions show that no researchers define language learning strategies in exactly the same way. However, in general meaning, they are the specific techniques used by second or foreign language learners. They are procedures that facilitate a learning task(Chamot, 2005: 112).