
作者:网友分享原创网站原创 点赞:4733 浏览:12989 最后更新时间:2024-02-28
One girl, who had lost her left arm in a car accident, decided to study judo (柔道). The girl was doing well, but she couldn’t understand why her coach (教练) had taught her only one move using her right hand after three months of training.
  “Coach,” the girl finally asked, “shouldn’t I learn more moves?”
  “This is the only move you know and will need to know,” the coach replied.
  Not quite understanding, but believing in her coach, the girl kept training.
  Several months later, the coach took the girl to her first competition. The girl easily won her first two matches. The third match was more difficult, but after some time, she artly used her one move to win the match. At last, she entered the final.
  This time, her opponent was bigger, stronger and more experienced. At first, the girl seemed to fail. But after a while her opponent wanted to catch her left arm. This ge the girl a chance to use her move with her right hand to beat her opponent. Finally she won.
  On the way home, the girl asked, “Coach, how did I win the competition with only one move?”
  “On the one hand, you’ve almost understood one of the most difficult moves in all of judo,” the coach answered. “On the other hand, to your opponent the only known defense (防卫) for that move is to catch your left arm.”
  ( )1. Which match is the most difficult for the girl?
  A. The first.
  B. The second.
  C. The third.
  D. The last.
  ( )2. What does the underlined word “opponent” mean in Chinese?
  A. 裁判 B. 队友
  C. 对手 D. 敌人
  ( )3. The girl won the competition for reason(s) according to the coach.
  A. one B. two
  C. three D. four
  ( )4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
  A. The coach was very art.
  B. The girl learned only one judo
  C. The girl didn’t believe in her
  coach at first.
  D. The girl didn’t give up practicing
  the move.
  ( )5. The passage mainly tells us that
  A. we onlyneed to learn a good skill
  to make a living
  B. if we put our hearts into one
  thing, nothing is impossible
  C. hold on to our dreams and then
  we will succeed one day
  D. sometimes our disadvantage can
  become our advantage
  Some people believe that schools will no longer be necessary in the future. They said that because of the Internet and other new technology, there is no longer any need for school buildings, classes or teachers. Perhaps this will be true one day, but if the world has no schools, I can’t imagine how our society will be. In fact, we should learn how to use new technology to make schools better. We should invent a new kind of school that is linked to libraries, museums, science centers, labs and even companies. Technological companies should create learning programs for schools. Scientists or professors could give talks through the Internet. TV networks and local stations are actually studying in school. Labs could set up websites to show new technology so that students could see it on the Internet.