1 精心设计“引导——阅读——练习”教学过程
2 “引导——阅读——练习”这一过程的实施步骤
下面以高中一年级英语Book IB Unit21 Lesson32 How Marx Learned Foreign Language为例,具体介绍“引导——阅读——练习”课文教学的实施步骤。
导入是教学过程中最基本的也是非常的一步。一堂课如果导入得当就能直接吸引学生,使学生能主动参与教学过程。如Lesson 82,先说“Today,I'm going to tell you a story about a great leader.He was bom on May 5th,1818 in Germany,When he was young,he……”然后用“Who's the man?Can you guess?”来导入主题,再利用文中的插图开展听说活动:Now,let's look at the picture.①What can you see in the picture?②What is he doing?③What do you know about him?Try to tell me in English.
Step2:Fast reading(速读)
第一,掠读,指导学生带着某个理由进行搜寻式阅读,培养学生捕捉关键句的技能。Read the text fast to find out answers to these questions.①Which foreign Languages did Marx Study?②What work did Marx do?
回答上面两个理由的关键句式:①Marx had learned some French and English at school.②In the 1870s,when Marx was already in his fifties,he found it important to study the situation in Russia.So he began to learn Russian.③Marx began to write articles in English for an American newspaper.④In one of his books,Marx ge some advice on how to learn a foreign language.
Read the text as quickly as possible to get a general idea.
The main idea of paragragh Ⅰ:Marx's youth.
The main idea of paragragh Ⅱ:Marx wrote articles and books in English.
The main idea of paragragh Ⅲ:Marx learned Russian.
The main idea of paragragh Ⅳ:Marx ge some advice on how to leam a foreign language.
Step3:Intensive reading(精读)
第三,独立分析和逻辑推理。引导学生学会分析、判断,进行逻辑推理是阅读理解课文深层次的要求。其主要目的是培养学生综合思维能力和“用英语深思”(thinking in English)的习惯。
After finishing reading the text,answer these questions.
①Why did Marx he to lee Germany?
②Where did Marx stay before he went to Longon?Why did he go to London?
③How did Marx learn foreign languages?
Step4:Re-reading activity(复读活动)
第一,Read the whole text again,then complete the follow-
ing.①Fill in the blanks with proper words.(workbook lesson82 EX2).②Fill in the blanks with“So……that”or“such……that”(work book lesson82 EX3).
第二,Discuss the following topice together,then write a passage in your exercises book.①What do you think of Marx?②What can we learn from him?
1 精心设计“引导——阅读——练习”教学过程
2 “引导——阅读——练习”这一过程的实施步骤
下面以高中一年级英语Book IB Unit21 Lesson32 How Marx Learned Foreign Language为例,具体介绍“引导——阅读——练习”课文教学的实施步骤。
导入是教学过程中最基本的也是非常的一步。一堂课如果导入得当就能直接吸引学生,使学生能主动参与教学过程。如Lesson 82,先说“Today,I'm going to tell you a story about a great leader.He was bom on May 5th,1818 in Germany,When he was young,he……”然后用“Who's the man?Can you guess?”来导入主题,再利用文中的插图开展听说活动:Now,let's look at the picture.①What can you see in the picture?②What is he doing?③What do you know about him?Try to tell me in English.
Step2:Fast reading(速读)
第一,掠读,指导学生带着某个理由进行搜寻式阅读,培养学生捕捉关键句的技能。Read the text fast to find out answers to these questions.①Which foreign Languages did Marx Study?②What work did Marx do?
回答上面两个理由的关键句式:①Marx had learned some French and English at school.②In the 1870s,when Marx was already in his fifties,he found it important to study the situation in Russia.So he began to learn Russian.③Marx began to write articles in English for an American newspaper.④In one of his books,Marx ge some advice on how to learn a foreign language.
Read the text as quickly as possible to get a general idea.
The main idea of paragragh Ⅰ:Marx's youth.
The main idea of paragragh Ⅱ:Marx wrote articles and books in English.
The main idea of paragragh Ⅲ:Marx learned Russian.
The main idea of paragragh Ⅳ:Marx ge some advice on how to leam a foreign language.
Step3:Intensive reading(精读)
第二,疏通文章阅读疑难和语言障碍。,对于课文中有关作者、文章的背景知识,某些学科领域的专业术语、人名地名和文化生活习俗等阅读疑难,教师可及时进行疏导;其次,把课文中一些新的单词、词组、句型结构、惯用法等语言障碍,用幻灯或多媒体放映出来,指导学生根据上下文猜测法、构词法、判断法、语法分析法、新旧知识联系法等手段扫除这些障碍;最后,把学生分成两,一提出理由,引导另一回答理由,对表现好的组或同学鼓掌,画笑脸,画红旗,给个英文名字等方式及时给予表扬,激发学生的兴趣,调动他们的学习积极性,培养学生大胆尝试,勇于探索的精神,体现了学生与教师,学生与课文,学生与学生之间的交际活动过程。第三,独立分析和逻辑推理。引导学生学会分析、判断,进行逻辑推理是阅读理解课文深层次的要求。其主要目的是培养学生综合思维能力和“用英语深思”(thinking in English)的习惯。
After finishing reading the text,answer these questions.
①Why did Marx he to lee Germany?
②Where did Marx stay before he went to Longon?Why did he go to London?
③How did Marx learn foreign languages?
Step4:Re-reading activity(复读活动)
第一,Read the whole text again,then complete the follow-
ing.①Fill in the blanks with proper words.(workbook lesson82 EX2).②Fill in the blanks with“So……that”or“such……that”(work book lesson82 EX3).
第二,Discuss the following topice together,then write a passage in your exercises book.①What do you think of Marx?②What can we learn from him?