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【摘要】 本文结合具体教学案例来谈谈如何对Pre—reading进行理由设计。
  【关键词】 九年级英语 Pre—reading 实践
  现阶段,在教学过程中Pre—reading理由的设计存在一些令人思考的弊病。(1)注重知识点讲授,忽略文章背景拓展。(2)照搬教材Before you read的阅读理由,脱离学生的实际水平和教学环境,没能有效设计读前理由。(3)理由的设计模式缺乏新意,总是问一些以6W引导的理由,导致课堂气氛沉闷,学生思维没有有效的训练。



1 多样性


2 接受性


3 真实性


4 渗透性




1 创设情境

  例如Unit 8 Reading: I’ll send you a photo of Lucky.提问Who is strong in our class? Could he/she help me open the door? 请一名力气大的学生站到教室门口,Open the door, but you can’t use your arms or legs, can you? 这时这名同学会用头,脸,甚至嘴来开门,逗得大家捧腹大笑,活跃了课堂气氛。当他费了九牛二虎之力打开门之后,教师说,Well done! Is it easy for you? 接着问大家,Do you think it is easy for him to open the door? 继续问大家,Whose handwriting is the most beautiful in our class? 请一位公认书写最棒的学生用丝巾蒙住眼睛站到教室后边,然后问,Can you get to the blackboard and write down your name on it?” 学生回答,“I’ll he a try!”接着他缓慢地摸索向前,许多学生都在旁边提醒,“Be careful!” “Go straight!” 好不容易,这位同学来到黑板前,写下自己的名字,当他解下丝巾,看到黑板上那横七竖八的字时,忍不住说,“Oh, it’s too difficult for the blind!”之前的亲身体验和观摩,最后问学生,“Can you imagine the life of the disabled?”由此引入课文。

2 深究背景

  例如Unit 9 Reading: Do you know when basketball was invented?教师提问,“Do you like playing basketball?”男生会异口同声回答:“Yes!”接着问,“How much do you know about basketball?”有的学生回答:“Yao Ming is my forite basketball star!”还有的学生会说:“I watch every game of NBA!”等等。课堂气氛顿时活跃,教师接着问,“I don’t know much about basketball. Can you help me answer some questions?” 学生回答,“No problem!”接着,教师问,“Why basketball is played indoors?Why is it played on wooden floor? Who invented it?” 学生陷入思索,教师打开投影仪,播放相关幻灯片给学生观看。对篮球的发明背景有了一定的了解后,此时再请同学们来学习课文。

3 联系实际

  例如Unit7 Reading: I’d love to sail across the Pacific. 教师可用多媒体展示一段著名演讲“I he a dream!”的片段,马丁路德·金带有强烈情感的演讲马上吸引了学生的注意,教师提问:“Do you know who he is?”学生都知道他,然后教师又问,“What’s the name of this speech?”也有学生知道答案,教师再问,“Do you know what his dream is?”有的学生想说“”“平等”,但不知该如何表达,于是教师在黑板上写出Democracy, Equality, 说:“I think it’s a big and nice dream! Do you he any dreams?”有的学生会说:“My dream is treling around the world.”还有的学生会说:“My dream is being a famous star!”等等。随后教师将话题引向课文,“Different people he different dreams. Let’s he a look at the result of the survey.”

4 制造矛盾

  例如Unit 3 Reading: Should I be allowed to make my own decisions?时,教师提问,“Liu Yu used to be my student. He is good at running. Now he will graduate from high school. He has a problem and asks me for advice. He has two choices: one is going to university to study; the other is becoming a professional runner. Which one do you agree with? Why?” 学生各抒己见,有的说:“He is too young to be a professional runner.” 有的则说:“Being young is an advantage. He should catch the chance.” 还有的说:“Being a professional runner is dangerous. And he is easily injured.” 到底该听谁的呢?激烈的争论,学生的意见阐述地非常清晰,这时教师说:“May be we should know what Liu Yu’s parents said.” 从而引入课文。
  [1] . 英语课程标准[S]. 北京:人民教育出版社, 2003.