英语论文--- 不同文化对商务谈判的影响

作者:网友分享原创网站原创 点赞:5119 浏览:14627 最后更新时间:2024-03-28
;;论 文 题 目 Influences of Different Cultures on International Business NegotiationContents Abstract(English)----------------------------------------1 Abstract(Chinese)----------------------------------------2 1. Introduction------------------------------------------3 2. Different cultures------------------------------------5 2.1 Definition of culture-----------------------------5 2.2 Cultural differences------------------------------6 3. International business negotiation--------------------7 3.1 General Introduction of Negotiation---------------7 3.2 Definition of international business negotiation---8 3.3 General process of negotiation---------------------9 4. Influences of different cultures on international business negotiation-------------------------------------------9 4.1 High-context and Low-context communication---------9 4.2 Individuali versus collectivi------------------11 4.3 Results versus relationships-----------------------12 4.4 Time orientation-----------------------------------14 5. Achieving effective negotiations Through effective negotiation strategies---------------18 6. Conclusion--------------------------------------------23 Works Cited----------------------------------------------252 AbstractWith the constant development of the economicglobalization, business cooperation between companies is dramatically increased. Negotiators from different countries come together and discuss their common and conflicting interests: meanwhile, they bring different cultures to the negotiating table. Culture is one of the factors that he important impacts on international business negotiation. Culture forges values and religious belief that define one’s thinking and behior. Therefore, negotiators with different cultural backgrounds employ different negotiating strategies. Cultural differences will certainly result in cultural factors. Thus, to negotiate effectively, negotiators should he a good understanding of culture and cultural differences. More importantly, they should know how negotiation is affected by culture. In doing so, negotiators can predict the process and adjust strategies in order to reach a satiactory agreement. Therefore, the research on how culture influences negotiation is in the need of social developing, and is of practical significance. Key words: Influences, Different Cultures, International Business Negotiation. 内容 随着经济全球化的不断发展, 各公司之间的商业合作的机会急剧 增加。 不同国家的谈判者在同一张谈判桌上就共同和冲突的利益进行 协商。同时,他们也带来了不同的文化。文化是影响国际商务谈判的 重要因素之一。文化决定人的价值观、宗教信仰,从而影响人的思想 和行为。因此,不同文化背景的谈判者运用不同的方式、策略进行谈 判。文化的差异必然会引起文化冲突,谈判的成功与否大多可以用文 化因素来解释。因此,要想取得有效地谈判,谈判者不仅要了解对手 的文