Suggestions for English language teaching in China 中国英语教学改革倡议论文

作者:网友分享原创网站原创 点赞:5919 浏览:12737 最后更新时间:2025-01-29
【Abstract】 English has been acknowledged as the most important foreign language in China for many years, and English teaching and learning now occupies the attention of millions of Chinese. Despite the great efforts that he been put into English teaching and learning, English proficiency of many Chinese learners still lee much to be desired, and it poses great challenges for English teachers and educators even our educational system as a whole. In this paper, I will make some recommendations for improving the existing situation for English language teaching in China.
  【Key Words】 English teaching China
  1. Existing problems for English teaching
  Though great improvement has been made in the field of English learning and teaching in China, there still exist many problems.
  1.1 For many years, examination-oriented education has been a great challenge for English language teaching in China. Instead of testing students’ language ability, paper-and-pencil tests assesent on language knowledge has always been the priority for both teachers and students. Chinese teachers’ focus is on the delivery of the English knowledge, grammar points, for example, but not the development of students’ language ability. To some extent, it is understandable, as language ability is not easy to be evaluated, as least not so evident as the result of the paper-and-pencil tests assesent.
  1.2 The textbooks are stereotyped. The classroom discourse is also stereotyped and mechanical. In many primary and secondary schools in China, English teachers are still using one singe textbook to teach. Students are required to do lots of repetitive practice and mechanical memorizing. Though “students-centered” models are strongly encouraged in the process of language teaching, it is still not widely adopted. Most English classes are, in reality, “teacher-centered”.
  1.3 The hard environment lees much to be desired. Language teaching only occur in the classroom, which is often not spacious and even confine students’ movement. Students seldom he chances to be involved in authentic language environment, which will be beneficial for students’s language development.

2. Suggestions

  What can we do with the existing situation? This is a question raised and discussed widely in the field of English teaching and learning. Of course, there is no once -for-all solution to this situation, and we cannot expect an immediate positive outcome. However, changes need to be made. As a teacher, I believe that there are some measures that could be taken .